export to rekordbox xml missing location

Bryan shared this question 17 months ago

when i export to rekordbox.xml all file locations are missing and the files will not import to rekord box giving the error:

One or more files were not imported.
Track(s) were not imported due to the following possible reasons.
- The file path is longer than 255 characters.
- Invalid file format
- Tracks not available in your country

Tracks that were not imported

the list above is blank. the locations are correct in the MIXO playlist I am exporting.

Best Answer

MIXO v1.31 is now live with a fix for missing filePaths when exporting on second devices and External Hard Drive Sync is on.

Plus a load of other fixes and improvements:

Replies (1)


Hi Bryan,

Are you exporting on a second device? If so, you need to download the tracks first so your DJ software can find them.

You can download everything via Settings/Cloud, or start with individual playlists by right-clicking the playlist and turn on the Download toggle. You can then export the downloaded playlist.

If for some reason the downloads don't start, try reloading MIXO (Cntrl+R).

I hope this helps! Let me know how you get on.




i followed the steps above and the file paths are still blank in the xml and the import errors the same. The correct paths are in mixo file paths


i checked the downloads folder and the folders are listed but no tracks are there. The songs do play in the mixo player


So I'm guessing you are indeed working on a second desktop device?

Do the tracks have green dots next to them? If not, it means they did not upload from you primary device.

Downloaded tracks have pink dots next to them.

Maybe this helps?



i am working between two computers suing an external hard drive with all the music. The dots were green then I downloaed them and now the dots are pink.


Hi Bryan,

Ok that's good, it should work as described then.

Please see attached a video demo for a small playlist.

Perhaps you could follow the same steps on a small playlist and send me a video of what happens for you?



I move the external hard drive between the computers. It has the same drive letter on both machines. is it required to download the music to the c drive from the cloud when the music already exists in the same place on both machines?


Ah in that case you didn't need to upload your tracks at all! What you need is this:

External Hard Drive Sync (default: off):
For users who store their music on an external drive/USB, this feature allows you to sync your library without the need to upload all your tracks.

Cloud storage is still required to sync artwork but tracks are not uploaded, making the whole process very fast, with minimal cloud storage space required.

Simply plug-in your external drive and turn-on this setting before import. When complete, turn-on this setting on your other computer, then plug-in your external drive so MIXO can find all the files.

I think if you simply turn this on on your second computer now, then try to export (with your drive attached), it should work.

Let me know the result!



When I deleted the playlist on both machines then reimported the playlist from rekordbox to MIXO cloud on one machine the playlist did not show up on the other machine. Aren't the playlists supposed to sync between all devices?


You only needed to delete the playlist on one device and it will sync to the other, so if you deleted on both before it had a chance to sync you may have caused an error.

To resolve this you can try reloading or restarting MIXO, or create another playlist and wait for it to sync to the other computer. If you're not seeing the sync spinner in the top left, check your connection or logout/login just to be safe.

However, for testing the External Hard Drive Sync feature you didn't need to delete anything. Just turn off the download toggles on your playlists, then turn on External Hard Drive Sync in Settings/Advanced, then export. Make sure your drive is plugged in.



It's possible there is a problem here actually. I think there is no check to see if External Hard Drive Sync is on when fetching the correct filePaths to export.

I'm investigating this now...


Ok this is now fixed and will be included in the next release.

I'll let you know when it's live!


MIXO v1.31 is now live with a fix for missing filePaths when exporting on second devices and External Hard Drive Sync is on.

Plus a load of other fixes and improvements:

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