Auto sync

Dj Wolve shared this idea 5 years ago
In Progress

Auto sync in all platforms...

Also it's a MUST HAVE if we change the rating or something else in any program to be able sync it to MIXO... (this is a huge problem now that i use iTunes... Cant make changes in the program i play music so we can only work our library in the preperation time.. The thing is that a lot of things can be done in live sittuations, that's why this is a must have)

Replies (4)


Hey George, this is something that we are working towards! Totally agree that automatic syncing of the library is a key feature.


I think that would be the feature that made the difference with itunes match, as they provide a similar service, uploading your local mp3s to the cloud. Not being able to edit your itunes playlists right from the dj program is a bummer.


Totally agree!

We'll be looking at this for the future.


This has now been added in our latest v.0.50 release:

We have begun our first stage implementation of Auto-Sync starting with manual import to overwrite existing tracks, playlists and folders with new metadata from the software/file import (xml, nml, crate, m3u, mp3, aiff etc). E.g. if you change cues in Rekordbox and import to MIXO again, this should update tracks with the new info via a modal.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues with this as we expect there may be some given the variety of imports. Screenshots and as much detail as possible appreciated!

Please update your MIXO to the latest version in App or via our beta download page.


Just a note on this old task - there are 2 exisitng options in Settings/Advanced that automate some of the process:

1. Watch Folder - automatically imports tracks added to your Downloads (or any) folder.
2. Auto-Export - automatically exports your library when changes are made in MIXO.

In addition to this, when you re-import from your DJ software, MIXO will import new items and simply update any existing tracks or playlists that have changed. This makes the process very fast because it won't need to analyse or upload everything again. For safety it doesn't currently delete anything but we may add an optional import setting in the future to delete anything that doesn't exist in the imported library.

I hope this helps!

MIXO team

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