Cant see any tracks uploading into one drive only artwork? have version 1.21, a

Darren shared this question 18 months ago

Replies (13)


using 1.21 have 24,000 tracks listed but can't stream any to my phone as none are in onedrive?


Hi Darren,

If the tracks show a green dot before them on desktop, it means they were successfully uploaded. If they don't have a green dot, try re-uploading them.

To re-upload:

1. Add the column "Uploaded" to the track list and reverse sort so all the blank ones are first.
2. Check the box for the first track, then scroll to the last track that was not uploaded, hold shift and check the box.
3. Right-click and "Upload Tracks".

If all the tracks were uploaded, try logout and login on mobile (which might force the auth token to refresh if something went wrong), then try playing a new track from a different playlist (which resets the queue and clears the audio buffer cache).

If it still doesn't work, try Reset Local (Settings/Debug), then login and wait for everything to sync down from the cloud, then try again.

Troubleshooting uploading step:

Stuck on uploading (progress does not begin or hangs at x%)?
- Restart MIXO

Tracks fail to upload?
- Check logs (~/Music/MIXO/Logs) and check the reason.

Let me know how you get on with these suggestions.



failed to analyse - tried just re uploading ine track didn't do anything there are 24000 audio and video files in the hard drive that I use. I can play them from the hardrive but not via my phone. I've not uploaded the playlists from vdj as yet justvthe tracks in the folders.


So how did you import your music into MIXO?

Did you follow the guide?

After importing, did it show that tracks were uploading to your oneDrive on the progress page? Then did it sync at the end?

What do you see on your phone when you try to play the track? Does it have a black dot on mobile? Black dots means it's not uploaded.

Did you try the other suggestions in my last email?

Perhaps you could send me some screenshots of MIXO on your desktop vs your phone so I can try to understand what the problem is.




Hi I did follow the process and uploaded a smaller number first. I selected a small folders worth of track and it went through the various stages and confirmed the upload was completed. anything from a few minutes to 15+ minutes. no tracks show as uploaded and on my phone it ways whennseldcting a track unable to stream. the number of tracks on the phone differ to the number of tracks on the desktop. I will try to take another look tomorrow.


I've also tried uploading one 1 or 2 tracks and reuploading them didn't work and can't stream them from my phone. I've cleared the local cache and re logging in. It didn't work the first time so I reset everything and started again but I cant still get anything to upload. I set yp a blank new onedrive profile.


Ah ok the black dots mean the tracks didn't upload. You won't have green dots on desktop then.

There must be some logs now showing why those tracks failed to upload.

Could you check and let me know? Might be 'missing' or 'bad request' or perhaps something else!



Hi Remko other than the screen shot of the log above there is no log I other logs I have one for 020823, and 300723 no log for the single file I tried to upload?

I've reset the phot more than one the number of tracks differs to the desk top and none have uploaded despite trying to re upload a few from the desktop


So when you re-upload manually from desktop using "Upload Tracks", do you see the upload progress without any tracks appearing in the failed list on the Progress page?

You should try selecting 20-30 tracks or so, and try re-uploading them, then watch the progress to see if any appear in the failed list during upload. If not, the tracks should be in your cloud storage and the cloud paths should be saved, so the green dots should appear.

If you have no logs, no tracks in cloud storage and no green dots then I'm very confused about what's actually happening at this stage!



Hi Remko , When adding a number of files frim a folder on the hardrive Ican see on the progress page the red bar progress, and each point get a green and it says that they are uploaded. although in reality uploading the entire collection isn't taking that long in the overall scheme of things.

when I went to reupload one audio file that had already been added I bu selecting upload I did see a message saying up loading. However it does not appear anywhere in the mixo music folder in any form the only folder on onedrive is the one for the artwork. it subsequently.didnt appear on the phone with green dot still back despite debugging the phone, clearing the cache and even the local on the desktop.


I'll add when I looked there wasn't a log for today either.


Hi Darren,

This is a unique case! I've never heard of anything quite like it.

Have you tried disconnecting your cloud storage, then reconnecting and uploading?

Perhaps also try connecting a Google Drive account (you get 15GB free storage!).



I have a google drive account but not enough space, I initially linked the google account to it but then saw I could use onedrive and I had a spare 1tb account so used that as I knew it would fit my audio and video collection. I have tried starting everything again with the onedrive account. The only thing I had to do was use a different email address for the extra account on onedrive. my Mixo account email is my backup email to office365 and I could not link that to two office 365 accounts ( I can have 5 users on office). Thats the only thing I can think of however I checked my google account and I did have 4 audio tracks saved and 3 folders - artwork, music and waveform. In onedrive I only have artwork the other 2 were never created? BTW when clicking on the support, and link in the email sent with comments I now get a unsafe website message.


Ok I'll continue to investigate today.

The security warning is related to our support system and they are working on it.

It should be back to normal soon!


I have reset everything again - when I link onedrive it only creates the artwork folder.


Ok thanks for letting us know. We'll investigate why this might be happening and keep you posted!

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