Artwork, Doubles, and Bad Crate Population

JRiNVENTOR shared this question 3 years ago

Hey there,

I am hung up on artwork of about 61k tracks (although I only have about 30.5k tracks) MIXO has made doubles of tunes, I am still unable to stream my library to my phone, and the kicker is that my Crates from Serato have not populated properly, and many have loaded double so I will have "90's hip hop" with 1 track and then also a "90's hip hop (1)" with 30 tracks in it, and I know there are hundreds of tracks in that Crate.

I don't want to delete it all and start over because analysis takes days, but I will. A big part of my want for this program is being able to make crates from my phone on the go from my large pool of music.

Replies (8)



I'm sorry you're still having this issue. It's possible that the upload has hung because it's still trying to upload from before.

Could you try:

  2. Check to see if the 'CANCEL UPLOAD' button on the SETTINGS > PROGRESS > OVERVIEW / ANALYSIS / ARTWORKS / TRACKS pages is still there, it won't be if either the upload already completed or the DELETE UPLOAD QUEUE button was successful. Everything in the OVERVIEW page should be set to 'Ready...'.
  3. When there are no more processes happening, go to ALL TRACKS, select all using the checkbox at the top left, right-click a track and press Upload Tracks. This won't double anything already uploaded, but it will check for anything missing and start the artwork upload again. You can also try Deleting Old Artwork on the debug page as well.

Hopefully, the above will help - I have been able to replicate updating from one version to another mid-import (especially after this artwork speed upgrade) can make the artwork process hang.

For the duplicates, we are working on a duplicate finder which will help with the second issue.

I think the reason you haven't been able to stream from your phone may be due to the upload process not successfully completing and starting the 'Sync' process. Hopefully the above will fix this. Please let me know if it hasn't.

The last issue you are having with imported crates not populating correctly is a strange one, how many crates have you got and are you importing them all at once? I would make sure Serato is closed before importing to MIXO as otherwise there may be a conflict. Could you try importing one crate with about 30 tracks on it's own and seeing if it is successful, and then if so, trying again with a much larger crate, say over 1000.

I fully appreciate how annoying this must be and really appreciate the feedback you've given thus far.





Thank you for your response.

I followed your directions above and was successful only up until Upload this point the app went black except a pop up telling me my "token is invalid, please reconnect cloud storage to resolve the issue"

I restarted the app and followed the instructions you provided above, to the same detriment...also the pop up comes again and again and it slowly blacks out the GUI of the app, if that helps...hmmmm

I made a Test Crate of 54 tracks and imported it and they all imported properly...perhaps i can delete all of my crates and reupload...?

I did update MIXO during analysis so that could've really jazzed up the works, so to speak.

Also I have noticed that the GUI will not display everything unless it is in fullscreen mode...the edges get cut off

I'd like to ask that you change the notice to the user from "the following tracks were not imported again but will be added to the imported playlist", to, "the following [insert number of tracks] were not etc etc etc"

just helps the mind a little ^^^

Thanks again, happy to work alongside you on this.



Any ideas here? I've been paying for Gold service and have not been able to use Mixo for anything productive.





I'm really sorry about that.

Could you give me an update on your current library status in MIXO, has it changed at all since we last spoke?

Did you remove and reimport your crates?

What version are you currently on - the latest is 0.45 and we are hoping for 0.46 very soon with some more upgrades to analysis.




Sorry for the late response.

I have yet to get MIXO to not hang up and haven't been able to do anything productive with it.

I will redownload the app...currently it gets hung up on the in-app download of the latest update.

Will do some work on it tonight and move slowly with imports. Hopefully will be able to get something going.



How do I go about completely uninstalling this and starting from scratch?



Please follow this guide:

Let me know how you get on.




- Alright I have followed the reset protocol and am beginning fresh now.

- I've deleted app on my phone and all it's data for MIXO

- I've connected my dropbox to MIXO desktop

- Uploading One crate of about 32 songs from Serato

- Track Analysis [Complete]

- Update Smart Playlist [Complete]

- Upload Artwork [Complete] (EXCITING lol)

- Upload Tracks [Complete]

I'm happy to report it has sync'd to my phone app. I believe I have full support. The 32 songs took about 5 minutes I think but I'll give a further report on upload time.

I'd like to ask one more question.

I had mentioned before that I have all of my music sync immediately to dropbox...with MIXO, I don't have to do that because it would be redundant, correct? So I can save space in my Dropbox...

Anyway I'm going to experiment more and I'll let you know, thank you for your support.



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