MIXO questions and suggestions

zimbolt shared this question 2 months ago

the whole reason I got it was for the track export + the database export and its literally not a feature? I wanna take my vdj playlist, hit export, click my usb and it exports the proper XML with the tracks. NOWHERE to be found but it seems like this is what yall are marketing. Granted I do find the software useful but this doesn't need to be a "roadmap" thing. It needs to be a default feature already in the shit. I do feel like I got ripped off here unless im missing something? My account is gold.

Im gonna give you the situation my friend had today.

They are going to a gig, all they can bring is their USB. They cannot connect to a cloud. We figured that if you export the playlist, it exports the songs with it, but nope now he needs to

create a SEPERATE folder or playlist in VDJ with the files that are ON the usb and add the tracks into said new folder, NOT just use the ones that are already in the database on his hard drive, that way rekordbox picks up the stick properly (this creates a proper usb vdj database with the proper locations.)

The importing the xml is fine, confusing but you can't do much about that.

Do you know how hard it is to explain how the VDJ database structure works to just a regular ass DJ? You know what he said? "I'm just gonna get an FLX". Nah with your software I need it to be theres a playlist, i hit export, choose my USB and bam it exports the songs it with a proper database.xml it was literally impossible for him to figure out WHY he was doing those steps above.

It would just be an additional checkbox, simple as.

Not everyone has access to this cloud shit "hold up bro lemme install mixo to your PC and download my cloud files". 1 that takes a ridiculous amount of time 2. they might have no internet 3. if they DO it might be insanely slow.


"We've added Export as a GOLD feature to encourage our active MIXO users to subscribe and support us as we constantly strive to better the app for user experience."

Granted above that it says

"Exporting music from MIXO is now a MIXO:GOLD feature.

MIXO:GOLD allows DJs to export their music to any DJ Software & sync their library from their own private cloud storage to any of their devices."

This needs to be reworded


"MIXO:GOLD allows DJs to CLOUD export their music to any DJ Software & sync their library from their own private CLOUD storage to any of their devices. Once the files are on the CLOUD, MIXO will sync everything seamlessly."

"We've added CLOUD Export as a GOLD feature to encourage our active MIXO users to subscribe and support us as we constantly strive to better the app for user experience."


it is not clear that you need the cloud for this, i hope you understand my frustration as it basically screwed him over when it should just be a simple export.

I'm ready to recommend this software to all the DJ's I know as the app is decent and the desktop app is decent.

Your response is what will keep me as a subscriber for a very long time, if you just sweep this under the rug I will tell every DJ I know to avoid mixo unless they are strictly using it for cloud stuff (which is excellent and yall have done a great job with that).


Please tell me im stupid and theres just a local export. It's been a frustrating day so I'm sorry to vent, luckily that person had someone come in with another laptop that had VDJ installed. While I am a power user, you need to imagine the average DJ is a complete moron and will be buying this stuff for just a local friggen export not some cloud shit (even tho the cloud is super fucking useful, i certainly will be using the feature).

Nowhere in your documentation that I've found do you cover this if such a feature exists. Instead you have 100 pages for each software to and from, This can easily just be switched out with one page where the user just clicks to and from and the names of the software.

I think this could be really really incredible and a lexicon killer.


also like ok we've exported out that rekordbox XML file, but its not keeeping the structure of like, the order of the playlist seemingly? so we have to export out a m3u and then import that too, it should be one button to export BOTH.

So really maybe what im asking for is a local EXPORT TO USB feature? Where it exports the rekordbox xml and the virtualdj database (properly modified to load off the stick).



i hope you understand that I am not trying to attack you with my words but give you my 100% honest feedback. Like I said, this software is incredible and extremely useful. I am assuming this is a new thing, so we are just in the growing pain stage but the initial people you have using your software will be the most valuable. You need to provide them with a software that works in ALL scenarios.

I'd love to beta test any future builds and give feedback that is not as charged. I'm so pissed, I had them at the last step to getting everything working and they just gave up cause it was too confusing. It should be, click a button, export, WOW that was easy (besides the unavoidable rekordbox part). I'd be willing to even make a video tutorial if you don't already have it. How about just an entire workflow overview, from phone to virtual dj to rekordbox. Anyways, we've got lots of DJs now that need to move their shit from VDJ to rekordbox for gigs (just a usb stick).

I see it as

they go from VDJ to rekordbox, now they can cover most situations.

OR now they have to do a CDJ gig, no problem they export from rekordbox since its all been transferred and we are good to go!

Let me know if you need help with anything and I'm here for yall. Again sorry about the charged words, but I need that pinned to the top of the list of things to get done, local export to usb from vdj to rekordbox (and other softwares lol).


with much love




just a few of my best sets so you know im a real friggen DJ, one that dives deep into the nerdy bits and gets every bit of functionality out of his tools.

hell add a referral program after you add those features and I can get 100+ people on your app EASY. This shit would sell it self, im serious.

Ok bye for real now! <3 sorry again for the harsh words. I think its excellent but with alot of kinks so I cannot recommend at this point.

Best Answer

absolutely impressed with your work and i really appreciate it, lexiconDJ is toast, mixo is the WAY

Replies (11)


Hi Zimbolt,

Thank you for your comprehensive shakedown!

It's a public holiday today and whilst we definitely do not brush anything under the carpet, I'll need some time to decipher everything you've written.

Perhaps to make things clearer for me, could you summarise in a few short bullet points what the problem is for your workflow, or what is missing from MIXO? That would really help me out!

For now, here's some info that might help:

At the moment MIXO is designed to export the VDJ database.xml + any playlists you've selected. These go into the MIXO exports folder to prevent immediately overwriting your existing vdj database. You can then move the database.xml and the MyLists folder to your VDJ folder manually if you're happy to do so.

FYI every export page has a link in the top right for the specific export guide + the folder icon links to the export location. These might be useful to you.

Cloud sync is useful if you organise on your phone or want to sync your library between 2 laptops, for example.

Otherwise you don't need cloud sync to import and export on the same device.

Hopefully this info helps!

I'm working tomorrow so will gladly chat further.


MIXO DJ team


No worries, I don't expect you to be working on your day off! Hope you had a happy holiday. So some bullet points.

1. a local USB export option, yes you can export the database, but it doesn't put the songs anywhere. Think like a dj who is putting this database on their USB (make this also export an m3u).

2. my large friggen library has not updated but there's no way to create waveform data on the phone?

3. the cloud sync stuff I think can be more clarified, I subbed and got my friend subbed for that usb thing and figured well of course they have an export like that. The wording wasn't very clear that everything is done thru the cloud and not many places are gonna have internet access. Basically I think your wording is somewhat misleading and is why I had the big rant (I do apologize). This rant comes from passion though. So far I am satisfied with the program. Anyways

In his situation he had a vdj library and the gig was rekordbox basically. So we were gonna use the program to do this. You still can use the software in this way kinda but it's a pain in the nuts to describe that to a non proficient kinda user. I described the steps above but basically he would have to put em on his usb, then load those tracks into vdj while also making a new folder. A simple usb export option would be better I think.

4. no support for phone apps? Cross dj is on the phone and this would be a great way for me to create sets at work and pop them back into virtual dj.

I might add to this thread as my phone is not letting me scroll up all the way and I don't want to accidentally refresh lol.


Think that about covers it. I'd love a phone solution with the common apps on Google play such as. djay, cross dj, and rekordbox mobile. I didn't know this was a public forum hahahahaa woops! I wouldn't have linked my stuff like that. Well that's embarrassing but I'll leave it up cause I think my rage is justified!

I also think you have too much crap in your documentation ie this software to this software to this software links. When you could just have one page. But I'm sure it's to cover the "just a dj not a tech expert" types of people.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback!

So here's some info for now:

1. A local USB export option is in BETA testing for Engine DJ but Rekordbox have a protected format so that's not possible right now.

2. Yes you have to analyse and upload on desktop to enable waveforms on mobile. The problem with analysing on the fly on mobile is that it will kill your battery in no time, and probably crash your phone due to excessive memory required.

3. Noted, we're in the process of moving to a new website, with support site integrated. It should be much clearer.

4. Again, doing anything like you can on desktop, on mobile is a big challenge due to the constraints of mobile devices. They really aren't designed for those types of operations but we are looking into options that might work within the limits available.

Thanks again! Keep an eye on our releases for new and exiting improvements.


MIXO DJ team


yeaaaaa my tracks are just not downloading on mobile


When you imported on desktop was there a problem during the upload step? Or did you cancel it?

Either way it can be easily resolved.

Please take a moment to review the "Track Statuses" and "Import/upload" sections here:



MIXO DJ team


looks like i may have missed a folder! so i have to ask like, how do i just analyze all the tracks in mixo? i have the songs analyzed in virtual dj but in mixo on desktop it just doesn't load them


like this is one of the songs i play ALOT, no mixo waveform lol


Similar to as Rekordbox, just select your tracks using the checkbox at the top, right-click and select Re-Analyse Tracks.


MIXO DJ team


It seems that when you imported you somehow skipped upload and analysis!

Perhaps you clicked cancel or perhaps you turned on certain settings to prevent it.

Either way, just like upload you can easily resolve it using the context menu as explained above.


MIXO DJ team


Okedoke ill hit the renanalyze button but which do i check... i dont want to accidentally update the metadata and screw up my vdj metadata



Just go with 'Rebuild Waveform'.


MIXO DJ team


awesome its working now! thank you very much guys, excellent support


Whoop! No problem :)


MIXO DJ team


now i understand what you mean by it would be too intensive on the phone,! this is taking a little while!!!

so LAST QUESTION I promise lol,

When i do this "rebuild waveform" is that gonna sync to my google drive or now i need to do a reupload or something? confused on that


I'll have to check the logic but basically when it finishes analysing it might move onto the Upload step automatically, then sync the changes.

If not, right-click and select Upload Tracks. MIXO will look like it's uploading tracks but will only upload the waveform if the track is already uploaded, so should be fairly quick.


MIXO DJ team


I seem to be having alot of issues. I am just fully resetting everything and fully doing it all again. I noticed tho it seems like when uploading the files it MIXO doesn't just ignore the ones already uploaded? Everything seemed to upload again, this is frustrating. Anyways, I am just reanalyzing my virtualDJ database. Then I will do a sync, but again is the MIXO gonna just friggen upload all the songs that are already there to the google drive? Any way to avoid that as it took like a whole day and the songs havent changed on there at all.


What were the issues?

You shouldn't get any duplicates if MIXO uploaded the original tracks to Google Drive, they just get skipped during the upload process.

MIXO will look like it's uploading the tracks but it's basically checking them or uploading any missing waveforms etc. It will be super fast compared with first time uploading.


MIXO DJ team


also in my quick test before i reset everything it diid seeem like some tracks did not have any cues on my rekordbox (i loaded the track information directly and didnt have rekordbox like scan it). hopefully this reset will go well ill keep yall updated. i think though if I have already uploaded the songs any maybe perhaps a waveform got analyzed for one that perhaps didnt it should just upload the analyzed waveform and not the whole song again? maybe this is a feature. Anyways ill keep yall updated. I think i just goofed it all during the virtual dj import maybe. :(


Ok just let it do its thing during the VDJ import and don't touch it unless it hangs. In which case let me know!

Once saving and analysis is done, please check a couple of tracks to see if the cues are there.

You can check by either playing the track (double click) or right-click and view 'Track Info'.


MIXO DJ team


so as for the issues

1. phone app was borked and seemingly none of my tracks were in some of my playlists, just all empty for whatever reason and when it did have them there they just would NOT download lol...

2. I did an export for a vdj playlist to rekordbox and cues were missing from tracks


I appreciate your help by the way, it's been a bad week for me with other software as well. I'm have some weird software bad luck lol. I think this reset will solve my issues!


So I took a nap, I fully reset everything and it still wasnt having some waveforms and was missing some tracks, i added the folder with the missing tracks and i reanalyzed. To which it told me I had to sync as "21k tracks of 21k were not uploaded) ok I figure.

I click the button and here we are uploading the tracks again. To give more information, the folder only added about 2k of missing tracks. But yes this thing is tanking my internet again while I still have all the tracks uploaded. I'm gonna wait another day until this is done Then hopefully im praying the phone app works.

The reanalyze did work tho!


So I figured it out, the folder has way more songs in it! So it makes sense that it would have to sync them. Whoops! 😭

Now a pretty big issue is that this is absolutely tanking my internet connection, it's just shotgunning them as fast as possible and my internet is just unusable. I'm not seeing an option to limit the track upload speed?


ALSO I figured out why some waveforms were having issues... They are friggen .OPUS files! Sometimes when I download tracks I forget to convert them from opus. Oddly enough your software loads em in and plays the music, but the waveform never builds. I bet if I were to rename the .opus to mp3 it would work but yeaaa. THATS my bad! I know im a unique case but perhaps OPUS loading would be cool. VDJ loads em just fine and can set cue points but I dont think rekordbox does unless I do that .mp3 rename thing. So perhaps OPUS support? 😭😭 def not expecting this. My files are still uploading! Soon I'll be able to test my phone app! Still praying it just goes well.


Ok so the .mp3 rename does not work, that explains my waveform issues. I had bulk renamed a whole bunch of OPUS files and forgot completely. My bad!



but here we are again, after a complete "reanalyze" this m4a still had to build. Perhaps its glitching out when it hits one of those .OPUS files and not analyzing everything?


that folder is one with a mix of .opus renamed to .mp3 and legit .m4a files, so I think your software is glitching out once it hits a .opus or a renamed .opus


IE it goes to scan the folder, starts building waveforms, hits the .opus or the renamed .opus and hangs! That's my not educated guess. After my tracks are finally reuploaded ill do another reanalyze and see. I wish there was more information on the analyzing part! Like if i hit reanalyze it should say "0 tracks out of whatever analyzed" right there in the library view


SOOO I realize now it does actually show where the analysis Is. My library is uploaded!! I click sync and download on my phone and the tracks are there with cues!!! EXCELLENT.

So now the last thing, exporting one of my playlists to rekordbox and seeing if my cues are there. I will keep you updated.

But again this just makes me think 🤔 I should be able to click a playlist and have another option to export it to a USB (or a folder)! It'd create the proper virtualdj database, rekordbox database, etc.

This would be for if I don't have the luxury of doing a sync (going to a gig and they don't have internet) and possibly for SHARING my set to other DJs I'm working with imagine they'd easily be able to download the files and just run em on their copy of virtual dj, cues and everything...

Heck they could even take those files on their Mixo gold and export the changes they've made so perhaps they made some cue point changes or added other tracks and changed the playlist order. That last part is just brainstorming.

but just a usb export option would be nuts.

it'd just work like this, let's take virtual dj to virtual dj for example. You add another option like "local export" or "usb export " they click the option and set their folder or usb stick THEN hit export.

It would then

1. copy the songs to the usb stick

2. copy over a database.xml and modify the paths to the right directory

3. drop in a .m3u so they'd easily be able to import into a sidelist.

Now I have a usb stick I can take to a friend's house and be good to go. Just plug in the stick and import the sidelist!

This same concept can be transposed to all the other main dj softwares. I used this exact method in a slightly modified way that I described in one of the posts here and made a rekordbox xml from virtual dj just fine for a usb stick. VDJ to rekordbox!

and id just be able to plug in that USB stick, set the rekordbox xml properly, do a reload and import the m3u (In case the ordering got messed up)!

Would like to know what yall think about that, I think it would be a great option and would save people's asses.


We already have that in BETA for Engine DJ for Denon hardware. Would be even easier for VDJ since we have all the logic ready to go.

But I'm not clear on how it would work, probably because of my lack of VDJ knowledge.

If you were to export a VDJ database.xml, how would you load that in VDJ without affecting the existing database? Normally you have to replace it in the main folder.

Are you saying you can parse it in the sidebar separately? If that's the case can you show me how?


MIXO DJ team


Sure I will do a desktop recording to demonstrate for you! I have spent alot of time in VDJ.

I will do a demonstration with my local copy of virtual dj and another copy running in a virtual machine.

But the gist is that on a USB stick or any other drive virtual dj makes another database.xml FOR that drive. I'll get this all setup around Monday as I have a set today and tomorrow.

so BACK to the waveform stuff

Whilst most of the tracks did get a waveform thankfully sometimes tracks will have a waveform on the desktop MIXO but not the mobile MIXO. This time tho with the full reset I have alot more waveforms. I'm not tooo worried but perhaps there is some bug here. I did reanalyze but Ill try again.


Great, that makes sense. I reckon we can do this no problem. I wasn't aware of this feature in VDJ but sounds useful.

As for the waveforms, just try reloading that track, then wait for upload/sync, then try playing that track again and it should download the waveform.

Some useful tools:


-> Reset Player Queue. This clears the player.

-> Reset Local. This deletes your local database so after login it re-syncs from the cloud.


MIXO DJ team


also we don't need a unified rekordbox rekordbox export, it would still just export the xml and add an m3u on just a usb stick writing the proper vdj database in the process (changing the drive letter)


this is in regards to vdj to rekordbox usb export not the other way around, but Yea tracks are just not syncing on the phone and I've selected the folder that Contains the songs not the playlist (which could be empty)


Hey! If possible could you send me a .opus track that was not analysing in MIXO?



MIXO DJ team



well, I am sorry remko I do not have the file... I went to go analyze another one of my .opus but renamed to .mp3s and it worked fine hahahahahahahah..... 😳😳😳😳

WELP I FOUND ONE the track is 'proto-cosmos" typing this just incase----- ok well, yes it just seems to take a long duration but it does indeed scan in!!! wow!!! perhaps i just wasnt patient enough??!!! i still linked it anyways just incase you wanted to see how long it took cause it did seem quite long for just one track (but its a friggen rnamed .opus to .mp3 soooo yeah kinda throwing a weird one at the software AND i would not expect it to even scan it in properly)



EXTRA FUN FACT WITH A BIT OF INSIGHT for mixo PERHAPS (if i havent said this already): I did this renaming originally to FORCE (trick?) the LexiconDJ software to actually sync my files to their damn cloud.

Some food for thought because I went karen mode on them as well (to be fair their subscription is like 35+ dollars or something insane EVEN WITH THEIR OWN CLOUD ATTACHED THATS INSANITY AND IT WASNT SYNCING ALL MY DANG FILES!!!) .

Their team actually told me hey, not alot of these softwares are supporting .opus files and yeah not even their own software would NOT open a .opus file...

until i renamed it.... lmao...

even rekordbox (from what i remember i recently did a fresh install and havent gotten to installing this ermmmmm software i dislike *smile*) did not play a .opus file but when i chucked a renamed .mp3 im not even joking it worked perfectly (but probably not on a pioneer deck probably, im not baller enough to test that).


So I am still having some issues...

After reanalyzing and rebuilding waveforms on DESKTOP songs still not showing a waveform on mobile... So i checked the problem track again and wtf it has a waveform now... 😳 what the hell I am looking like a dolt here

SOOO i found another that on desktop has a waveform and on mobile DOES not so I hit the rebuild waveform button on desktop and i am checking again on mobile, i think with the mobile issue its genuinely like it has a built waveform on desktop and it sometimes does show it and sometimes doesn't show a waveform on mobile... im not ssure tho, I will live update this as im testing now! I attached the file just in cas eyou need it, its the one PUSHER - emeralds (what a classic track haahhaha)

SO I RECORDED A VIDEO... I FORGOT TO SET THE ENCODER SETTINGS SO THEY WOULD B HIGHER IM SO SORRY BUT I THINK YOU CAN STILL SEE WHAT THE ISSUE IS HERE HAHAHAHA im so sorry if you need me to re record, but tracks are being rebuilt and analyzed and still nothing on mobile



hi remko to confirm after closing and opening the app again and hitting force resync, nothin!


and um im going to restart my phone just in case that matters, unless I also have to reupload the entire set folder as well? that seems like it wouldnt make sense? cause this would have me be uploading my entire library over and over, yeah im just gonna ssume its not designed like this. so i also hit force sync check on the desktop app and rechecked, nothing


i will say now the pusher track does have a cue! friggen weird man, hope that screen record helps


Hey thanks for that. It looks like your renamed .opus track is crashing the backend silently so not sure that's a good idea. Basically it will hang so you'd have to click cancel import then restart the whole app if that happens in the future.

As for the missing waveforms on mobile, please try right-click "Upload Track", then try playing the track again on mobile once it's finished uploading and syncing. You'd have to play a different track first then come back to it to force it to update I think.


MIXO DJ team


Looks like MIXO works with OPUS format, so I can just allow those types to be imported in the next release:



MIXO DJ team


I've tested and the OPUS track (with filename .opus) uploads to Google and plays on Android without issue. Won't work on iOS though.


MIXO DJ team


yeah no worries on the opus files! sorry about the mangled .opus to .mp3 debacle, i had completely forgotten i did this


siree I will be back shortly!


MIXO v1.79 is now live with support for .opus files on desktop and Android. We're also working on a USB export option for VDJ that moves the tracks to the USB and updates the paths in the database.xml accordingly.


Thanks for the feedback!


MIXO DJ team


MIXO v1.80 is now live with a new feature "Export VDJ USB" which moves the tracks over too.

Thanks for the idea!



MIXO DJ team


Hey Zimbolt! Just following up to see how you're getting on with the VDJ USB export... any feedback or is it all good?


MIXO DJ team


And also opus files support - is that all working nicely now?


MIXO DJ team




absolutely impressed with your work and i really appreciate it, lexiconDJ is toast, mixo is the WAY


Thanks so much for your positive feedback, we really appreciate it.


MIXO DJ team

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