Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Ursa shared this question 56 days ago

Can we customize keyboard shortcuts?

Replies (4)


Hi there,

At the moment customization of keyboard shortcuts is not possible.

Are there any additional keyboard shortcuts you'd like?


MIXO DJ team


Pretty much every conceivable function ought to have a potential keyboard shortcut. Most Dj software is heavily laden with keyboard shortcuts for efficiency.

One example off the top of my head might be "shift-1" to delete cue point 1, shift-2 for cue point 2 etc for all cue points.

Another is a keyboard shortcut to navigate between views at the top (Library, Settings, Import, Export, tools). I grew up a power user, keyboard shortcuts make life fast.

Another could be to jump to the actively playing track — if one navigates away, a quick way to find the current track in whatever playlist it's in is invaluable.

Also, I'm not sure why the arrow keys scroll the library window as this isn't particularly useful — up and down (at least to my school of thinking) should shift the selected track to the one above or below the currently selected on.

I could probably go on… but I do have other things to do. I think a bit of focus on making the interface very keyboard friendly (and customizable is key, giving a clear improvement over other offerings) would go a long way.

Happy to see the progress that Mixo is making :)


Escape to go back from track info window…

Haha, I'll keep posting whatever comes to my mind as I use the interface. Today is the first day I was able to (mostly) successfully get my library out of iTunes and into Mixo, and I would just love to ditch iTunes in time.


If you want some inspiration, take a look at what Lexicon is doing with keyboard shortcuts. They have implemented some other excellent ideas that I'd love to see in Mixo. Their pricing structure is outrageous for me though — after currency conversion and taxes I'd be paying $30 CAD/mo just for basic access to their software, and that doesn't even include cloud syncing.

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