iOS app crash

Samuel shared this question 8 days ago


I import all my Serato crates and tracks to Mixo And then upload to my google drive (after a lot of soft freezing and crash...)

but now I cannot access it on my iOS devices, all the crates and folders are empty and when I force sync on the app it's crashing.

thanks in advance for your help

Replies (3)


Hi Samuel,

That's unusual for a library of your size. This type of issue can often occur with large libraries over 75k tracks, but it's possible you are having the same issue.

It's caused by the OS killing the process to prevent overheating and excessive memory use. There's not a lot we can do about that. However, we are working on a "Selective Sync" idea where you can pick and choose the playlists you'd like to sync. I'll keep you updated on that but for now here are some things to try:

1. Make sure all other apps are closed and perhaps also restart your phone.
2. Make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection.
3. Go to Settings/Debug and tap "Reset Local" (make sure you use the correct reset option "LOCAL").
4. Now login and see if it works.

Let me know how it goes!

MIXO team



So i try all the steps you suggest me to do earlier And nothing is working .

When I relaunch the app and connect my account, the app begins the sync and after few minutes crash.

I really need a solution


Hi Samuel,

I've been looking at your synced data and something doesn't look right.

Please can you try this:

1. On mobile, Reset Local.

2. On desktop, go to Settings/Debug -> "Re-Sync this Library". This will delete all your synced data and sync it again.

3. Once this has completed, login on mobile and see if it works.

Let me know!

P.S. We are now prioritising the new Selective Sync feature.

MIXO team


Hi Samuel,

How did you get on with the Re-Sync option? I suggested this because I noticed your synced data included a lot of playlists tracks but no playlists! This is probably why it was crashing.

However, the Re-Sync option should resolve it.

Let me know how it goes.

MIXO team


First of all thanks for your fast answer.

My library os 60K+ tracks, i already try everything you purpose … i’ll try it back later when i’ll be at the office with good internet connection.

I understand what you explain about ios restrictions but i don’t understand that you sell a subscription with cloud sync and ios app that you know it will not work…


Hi Samuel,

I appreciate your comment but there are very few users with libraries over 75K, especially who also use the mobile app. In many cases it still works with 80K tracks, so it should work with your library. I don't know why iOS is killing it but I'm more than happy to investigate this further.

Regardless, the selective sync will hopefully be available in the next release. I'll keep you updated!

MIXO team

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