Upgrading to 1.60

Tsunoo shared this question 9 months ago


After upgrading to version 1.60, I get all my tracks doubled or tripled. I know I can reset Mixo, but it looks like I have to do it every time I upgrade the software, or close. I have a lot of tracks and reseting Mixo takes a very long time : more than 24 hours each time, with the screensaver turned off automaticaly by Mixo.

How can it be that every or so upgrade creates duplicates and triplicates ? I did not even import new tracks from Rekordbox ! Just opening Mixo on my laptop creates these duplicates and triplicates.

I cannot reset Mixo every 2 weeks...

Thanks for any advice.

Replies (3)


All my playlists are doubled or tripled too...


There are 2 things here that might be relative to your issue:

1. 1.60 is using a completely new cloud database. We transferred the data from the old database to the new one, so it's possible that there was an issue that led to duplication.

2. However, if this has been happening for the last few releases it's probably something else. There was a bug that led to 0 tracks on login that's fixed in 1.60. If you encountered this once and reimported, it's possible you actually synced everything again.

So the way to check is to Reset Local (this will reset the local database only), login and wait for sync. If you have duplicates after sync is complete, reload (cmd/ctrl+R). If they're still there then you'll need to tidy things up manually. The Duplicate Finder Tool might help.

Let me know if this info helps!

MIXO team


Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, nothing worked and I had to reset completly Mixo. Again... I hope that with version 1.60, things will be easier on that side.

Another thing. During Rekordbox 6 import from scratch (about 25,000 tracks), the information about what is going on (mostly progression about uploads) is not visible on screen. I have to close Mixo and reopen it to see progress bars.


That's really strange. We'll look into both issues for you.

Thanks for the feedback!

MIXO team

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