Engine to Mixo

Axone shared this question 10 months ago

Hello !

Just discoverd Mixo today and it's amazing !
I am used to mix on Denon at home but i have to move to Pioneer almost everytime I go mix outside.

So Mixo would be the perfect tool for me.

However I've got the same problem than some people already had :
Mixo is stuck on parsing data when the Engine library "m.db" file (which I suppose is the engine complete library) is selected. I am running windows 10 and the current version of Mixo is 1.54.0.

Any idea ?

Replies (3)


Hi there,

Please try quitting and restarting MIXO and go directly to the Import Engine page and wait.

If it doesn't work within a minute or so please let me know.

How large is your m.db?

MIXO team


hello Remko thx for the fast support !

the m.db itself is about 812 ko
and the library is about 1436 tracks so 117h of music Oo


Oh that's tiny, shouldn't be a problem.

If the issue persists, please email me your m.db and I'll try to figure out the problem.

MIXO team

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