Improvements to Watch Folder Process

LiamDJ shared this question 10 months ago

Hi, great work on MIXO, just signed up to GOLD again and tonnes of improvements including the watch folder :-) I have a few wants/needs for the watch folder implementation that I would like your view on/or to build.

I think the watch folder should/could be used as a filter to the main library. That is how I would like to use it.

1. MIXO watches folder for new music, displays this under watch folder but doesn't show under All tracks or recently added as the tracks haven't been listened/checked yet.

2. MIXO highlights any tracks in the watch folder which are possible duplicates for tracks already existing in the library. Maybe add to right-click menu the option to 'See duplicate info' and then from this pop-up determine which file to keep, showing vital info such as file type, bitrate, size etc.

3. The right-click context menu adds the option to 'Move file & Add to library', this will move the file from the watch folder location to a folder of the users choice set under the watch folder advanced settings. Once the file is moved the track is added to the library (track will now appear under recently added and all tracks) and the track is removed from the watch folder.

Note: Although the tracks remain in the watch folder, they are still synced and treated as if in the library allowing listening, edits or deletion using any MIXO synced device.

Interested to know your thoughts, I think this would be an amazing addition and help the DJ workflow/process of listening/processing new tracks. If the above isn't your vision then if I could simply have the option in the context menu to move a file from the watch folder to a location specified under settings then I could settle for that, haha

Thank you :-)

Replies (3)


Hi Liam,

Sounds like that would be a slightly different feature which could be added in the future, so we'll keep it mind. Thanks!

As for the context menu option, do you mean move the file to a different location on your computer?

MIXO team


Hi Remko, Thanks, I thought it wasn't too far away from what the function of the watch folder is currently, apart from the duplicates check function maybe. Hopefully you can add something like this as I feel it is vastly increases the value of the software to DJ's who mostly do not have a one stop tool to filter their new music into their library.

The context menu option, yes that's exactly what I mean, a location defined under settings which means any tracks you wish to keep (the chosen ones) out of the watch folder could be moved to a more permanent location at the click of a button.

Thank you Remko! Keep up the great work.


Great stuff, we'll see what we can.

I expect it will be a simple Advanced setting to set the move location (when adding a track to a playlist or removing it from the watch folder), then when you move the track out of the watch folder it will move on your computer and relocate the filePath in MIXO so everything still works.

I'll let you know when this feature get added.

MIXO team

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