Importing RB6 collection from 2 computers

Tsunoo shared this question 10 months ago


I have Rekordbox 6 instaleld on 2 computers : one is the master and the second is used as a backup if anything goes wrong with the first PC.

My collection is the same on both PC, but the paths to the files are different : on the first (master) PC, the root folder is on drive D while on the second PC, the root folder is on drive E. Apart of this, all folders, subfolders, paths and file names are identical.

My Mixo DJ library was synced with my master PC RB6 collection. But I had a problem on this PC and had to switch on the backup PC. On this second PC, I made numerous changes in my RB6 collection, so I wanted to sync it back with Mixo. And there, Mixo imported all the tracks, because the filepaths where different (only the drive letter was different...).

My only solution was to reset Mixo and reimport my entire RB6 collection from the backup PC... This also means that when I will switch back to my master PC, I will have to do the same operation : reset Mixo and reimport my RB6 collection from the master PC.

Would it be possible to have an option to specify a "common" root folder, so that the same tracks are not reimported but linked to the local tracks ? For example, the file located in E:/Music/MyFolder/Track-01.mp3 in master collection, and located in D:/Music/MyFolder/Track-01.mp3 would be recongnized as the same physical track for Mixo library ?


Replies (4)


Hi there,

Hmm that's a good question and fairly technical. I like it!

I think the logic could be improved to cover a wider variety of similar paths.

At the moment we duplicate check based on the last part of the path after "Users". It seems in your case that this doesn't exist in your file paths, so it treats them as different tracks.

I'll look into improving the logic for paths where the drive letters are the only difference.

MIXO team


Having looked into this further, I don't think improving the existing track logic is the right way to do it because you will still have the issue of incorrect filePaths on the second device.

Presumably you've used MIXO to upload your music, but don't want to download it all on the second device because it already exists?

In that case I have an idea that might work:

1. On your second PC, set the download folder to 'E:/Music' (you can do this via Settings/Advanced).
2. Then turn on 'Download All Music' (Settings/Cloud) or download a playlist using the context menu toggle switch.

To test this, it's probably best to turn on the download toggle for a single playlist to start off with!

In theory, all tracks will be skipped during the download because they already exist in the download location you've set! You should quickly end up with all pink dots and the tracks should now work!

Please test this idea and let me know how it goes!

MIXO team


I missed the download folder option in Settings/Advanced, I will set it up. Thank you for the tip !

I will not be able to test your suggestion for the moment, because my first PC is under repair, and I already rebult my whole Mixo library from the second PC... Your idea seems to be a good solution for my issue, thanks again !


I think you actually need to set the download folder to the root of E:/ because it should try to build the folder structure automatically (starting with /Music/).

MIXO team

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