Do all folders resync to cloud even if unchanged

stupidpiscesguy shared this question 14 months ago

Once the initial upload to a cloud service has been completed will the process be faster in future syncing by ignoring folders that are unchanged?

Replies (6)


Hi there,

I'm guessing you mean the Sync step at the end of import?

MIXO will only sync changes, so when you import a few thousand tracks it may take a while to sync all the tracks, cues, tempos, playlists, folders and playlist tracks.

If you only add a track to a playlist, it just syncs the playlist track changes.

If you change the rating on a track it just sync that track etc

Hopefully that clarifies everything for you.



Just to clarify, is that syncing just locally within the mixo program on my computer or specifically with my cloud storage or choice? I'd like to use this as a means of maintaining an up to date back up of a music library stored in a cloud but was wanting verify that it wouldn't be a long process everytime I wanted to update my cloud folder.


When cloud storage is connected, MIXO will upload each track you import.

Once the track is uploaded you can play it from the cloud on any device or download it locally.

In addition to uploading your audio files, MIXO syncs the local database of data (metadata, cues, playlists etc) to the MIXO cloud database. This allows you to see and make changes to your library on any device, through MIXO.

Only changes are synced and only new tracks are uploaded to your cloud storage.

You should not move or edit your audio files in your cloud storage that MIXO uploaded or it will break the path to those tracks inside MIXO.

Let me know if that makes sense.



Okay, I that answers my question. So if I upload a large library but then add a song to a single folder, only that new song will be uploaded the next time I sync with my cloud storage. So after that large initial upload it should be a fast process. Also, your saying to use the cloud only for playback and my local storage (laptop) should act as the "hub" so to speak.


When you say add a song to a single folder, if you mean import a song into MIXO and add it to a playlist, then yes, only that song is uploaded and the metadata or any playlists changes will be synced.

Your cloud storage is basically the store for your music (inc waveforms and artwork for displaying on other devices). The local and cloud databases store all the track info and playlists/folders structure etc.


I mean if I add a song to a folder on my hard disk and then through the mixo software I sync my library to my cloud, then only the changes will be affected. So I can use mixo to back up my library without having to worry about it trying to re-upload all the folders every single time.


There is an idea for a "watch folder" feature but that's not implemented yet.

This means you need to import new tracks manually, which you can do via drag and drop into All Tracks or directly into a playlist, either in the playlist tree or the track list.

Alternatively, if you use another app and regularly import, MIXO will update any existing items but only import/upload the new tracks.


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