Cannot see playlists from itunes

Kav shared this question 14 months ago


I have just joined Mixo, I have managed to import all playlists from Serato and have tried doing the same with iTunes, while from the number of songs imported i can see the usic has imported however I cannot see any of my itunes playlists which is a big problem for me as my music library consists of in excess of 70000 tracks most of which are sorted into playlists in iTunes

Replies (4)


Hi there,

If possible, please send your iTunes XML to me via and I'll investigate. If it's too large to attach you can upload it to cloud storage or 'wesendit', for example.

Thanks in advance!



Hi there,

Apologies, the wesendit email went into spam and has only just been discovered. I'll look into this for you now!



Hi there,

I've tried importing your Library.xml file and I can see lots of playlists on the Import page and after importing I can see 507 playlists.

See image attached.

Please try the following:

1. Make sure you are on the latest version of MIXO (currently v1.42).
2. Quit as many other apps as possible to increase available memory for MIXO.
3. Restart MIXO, then try parsing your Library.xml again.

Please let me know if this helps!

FYI - your library is very large and will most likely cause problems if you plan to sync to mobile. In our tests, mobiles can handle syncing up to about 75,000 tracks before problems start to occur. If you do not plan on syncing to mobile you can ignore this!



Hi There,

I've the same problem.

My Xml Itunes Library doesn't work on recordbox.

I join you by GOLD Version but nothing.

Can you Help me

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