First Released Year

ian.watkinson shared this question 16 months ago

We as DJ's are unique in that we don't really care what year an album came out. A best of the 80's album that came out in 2020 doesn't mean we want to play it at a 20's party.

So for the songs on that album what we actually want is an earliest released date.

Please mixo, add that functionality.

When I play Sweet Dreams, I need it to have the single release date, not the greatest hits date, or the release date of the remix, or even the release date of the DJ compiliation.

Replies (1)


Hi Ian,

Do you mean to search an online source to get the original track release date, or is there a metadata field missing in one or more import types?



Yes, so music brainz picard and discogs have the information, but they always relate it back to the album.

So Elvis presley love me tender if you get from the Elvis: 30 #1 Hits album will show 2002, however what we as DJ's want is for it to show 1956 as that's when the single came out.

It's a 1950s song, not a 2002 song.


Did you get anywhere with this at all please? It is really useful for those of us who DJ decades, so 80's 90's etc.


No updates on this at the moment, sorry!

MIXO team

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