Need more information on UI elements

Tristan C shared this question 21 months ago

I love the concept and most of the features and that's why I keep supporting you guys but some of the UI elements are just not very clear.

First, the library looks intuitive art first but it is very unclear what some of the indicators mean:

  • What does a green dot represent next to the checkbox?
  • What does a pink dot represent next to the checkbox?
  • What does it mean if a track is greyed out?

Secondly, the progress information in the import tab is also quite vague. I don't really know what it means when one of the steps says "Ready..." What has it done so far and what exactly waiting for? The progress steps also show that it has completed once it is done with the relevant task but I'm not sure what the difference is between "Completed" and "Ready..." Also, sometimes the import progress gets stuck at "Preparing" at different stages of the import progress, but that's a whole different issue I guess.

I think the application would benefit a lot from an integrated help page or some sort of on boarding process. I could figure out some of my problems through the FAQ pages but it should be clear from the start what everything means.

Maybe it is just me that has these problems, but I really want to see this program take off and I hope I can give my 2 cents with this feedback

Replies (1)


Hey Tristan,

Firstly, we love feedback so please don't hesitate to provide it! Thank you.

The green dot means the track has successfully uploaded and should be streamable or downloadable on other devices.

The pink dot means the track is downloaded (on a secondary device) and the same goes for the pink dot next to a playlist.

A greyed out track mean it's missing. Either deleted or moved from its original imported location.

Ready... means it's all up to date or the stage has not begun. There is a temperamental issue where sometimes it gets stuck on Preparing.. but for future reference you should be able to reload or quit and restart the app to fix it. We're still trying to track down the culprit on that one!

I hope this info helps. Please do let me know if you have any further questions at any point.


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