Files with percent-encoded characters not importing

elijahr shared this question 22 months ago

I exported my library from MIXO to rekordbox.xml a while back.

I cleared my MIXO library then tried re-importing from that rekordbox.xml. A few of the files did not import. It looks like it has to do with percent-encoded parentheses. The actual file names contain %28, %29, %2C, etc. It seems like MIXO is decoding the path or filename when it shouldn't be, and is subsequently failing to find the file.

The actual file names in the filesystem:

The entries in rekordbox.xml:

<TRACK TrackID="3" Name="(More and More) It Ain't Easy" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/12_%28More+and+More%29+It+Ain%27t+Easy.mp3" Size="191" TotalTime="191.9" TrackNumber="12" Year="2018" AverageBpm="83.5" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="Ebm" Label="XL Recordings"/>

<TRACK TrackID="1677" Name="Beat 54 (All Good Now)" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Inflo, Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/3_Beat+54+%28All+Good+Now%29.mp3" Size="246" TotalTime="246.815" TrackNumber="3" Year="2018" AverageBpm="106" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="Em" Label="XL Recordings"/>

<TRACK TrackID="2688" Name="Heavy, California" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/2_Heavy%2C+California.mp3" Size="184" TotalTime="184.6" TrackNumber="2" Year="2018" AverageBpm="111" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="E" Label="XL Recordings"/>

Note - the files are not actually at /Users/path/to; my full name and email address were included in the file path so I have anonymized the path.

The error modal:

Replies (8)


Haha speak of encoding issues - the rekordbox entries I included get rendered unescaped as HTML here. That might be cross-site scripting vulnerability in which case you should fix it! I wonder if this will work:

<script>alert("fix me")</script>
But anyways, here's the XML, I tried escaping it so hopefully it renders correctly so you can make use of it:

<TRACK TrackID="3" Name="(More and More) It Ain't Easy" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/12_%28More+and+More%29+It+Ain%27t+Easy.mp3" Size="191" TotalTime="191.9" TrackNumber="12" Year="2018" AverageBpm="83.5" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="Ebm" Label="XL Recordings"/>

<TRACK TrackID="1677" Name="Beat 54 (All Good Now)" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Inflo, Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/3_Beat+54+%28All+Good+Now%29.mp3" Size="246" TotalTime="246.815" TrackNumber="3" Year="2018" AverageBpm="106" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="Em" Label="XL Recordings"/>

<TRACK TrackID="2688" Name="Heavy, California" Artist="Jungle" Composer="Joshua Lloyd-Watson, Thomas McFarland" Album="For Ever" Genre="Electronic" Kind="mp3" Location="file://localhost/Users/path/to/My Drive/Tracks/2021-04/2_Heavy%2C+California.mp3" Size="184" TotalTime="184.6" TrackNumber="2" Year="2018" AverageBpm="111" BitRate="320" SampleRate="44100" Comments="XL927DA" PlayCount="0" Rating="0" Tonality="E" Label="XL Recordings"/>

Hmm. It seems I cannot paste even escaped XML here, but at least the script tags got stripped! 😂

Third time's the charm:


Hey Elijahr!

Thanks, I'll check it out ASAP and let you know once we have more info.


Hi Elijahr,

This issue should be fixed in the next release!

As always, thanks for the valuable feedback.


Happy to help. Thanks Remko!


Hi Elijahr,

I'm pleased to announce MIXO v0.62 is now live!

Download from our website or update in-app. Please let me know your feedback.



Hello! I still have the Problem with the Importing. When I import my XMP File, MIXO translate the ''spaces'' of my track names to a ''%'' and show me then that the path is incorrect. How do i fix this?


MIXO v0.63 is now live with further fixes for % encoding in XML filePaths.

Download from our website or update in-app.

Please let me know your feedback.


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