When I try to load a playlist imported from VirtualDJ into itunes, some songs do not load.

XR shared this question 23 months ago

I think MIXO is a very good service and I have been using it since today.

I have one question.

When I try to load a playlist imported from VirtualDJ into itunes, I get an error and only 2 out of 8 songs are taught.

Is it because I am using a Japanese OS?

See screenshots, XML is also attached. What should I do in this situation?
Thanks for your support :)

Replies (5)


Hi there,

I'm not able to translate that warning message from iTunes. What did is say? Were any of your files not found?

Please check that all the other tracks are working in MIXO before you export and let me know the result.



Hey, thanks for the reply.
Oh sorry, I was careless. The error message is as follows



Some songs in the "itunes.xml" file could not be loaded because they are missing.


I have checked same playlist on MIXO other songs, but they are playing and there does not seem to be anything unusual about them.

https://gyazo.com/5e3b3cf9b67cdd224ea2934c7fb45359 (recording of a gif image of trying it out.)

Thank you in advance for your help!


Hello! Good news, I was able to replicate and fix the problem!

The fix will be in our next release (v0.56).

Thanks for your help!


Hi, that's great news 😀.
Looking forward to the next release.
Thanks for fixing the issue!


Hello, I'm pleased to say that MIXO v0.56 is now live and this issue should be fixed. Thanks again for your valuable feedback!

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