Feature Request: Differentiate Search Results View from Regular Playlist View

elijahr shared this idea 20 months ago

Right now, the text displayed when there are no search results is "Playlist is empty. Select tracks from All Tracks to add them to this playlist."

The playlist might actually have tracks. It would be ideal if this text was something like "No tracks matching "{search query}" were found in this playlist. Select a different playlist or <search all tracks>". Where <search all tracks> is a link or button to perform the search against all tracks instead of just the selected playlist.

It would also be great to show a snackbar or something above the tracks when there *are* search results, to indicate that the tracks listed are filtered by the search query. Something like "Showing X results for "{search query}". <x>", where "<x>" is a button to clear the the search query, remove the snackbar, and display all tracks for the selected playlist.

The reason I think these features would be useful is that it's easy to forget that you have a search query in the search box, since the search box is in the upper left corner rather than right above the tracks list.

Replies (1)


Hi Elijahr,

Great idea, it's been on our radar for a while. I'm pleased to say it's now complete and will be released in v0.55. Thanks for the feedback!

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