Import NML failed

askforgreg11 shared this question 23 months ago

Hello, I have been waiting a long time to try Mixo and finally tried on Friday. ZThe first time seemed to be working nut it froze and I couldn't close anything. Restarted the Mac and spent quite a bit of time and no matter what I try and do when importing from Traktor it does not work. I get an 'Import NML failed'. After almost an hour of trying everything I can think of on Friday I gave up, had a gig on Saturday so I just used Traktor like I have for years.

Then tonight I tried it again, but after having opened up some instructions online. I followed them to the letter ans the same thing happens. It never gets past the Save to MIXO: phase of the import. I have tried everything in the Debug section of MIXO and none of that helps.

Interestingly enough if I simply drag a track from my desktop to MIXO it works. The track goes into the collection and I can play/edit that track (which looks promising).

Any ideas what I might need to do? I have been reading the forum and have seen a few requests for an 'Import NML failed', but none of them describe exactly what is happening with mine.



Replies (5)


Hey Gavin,

This sounds like a very specific bug, perhaps to do with the amount of tracks being imported.

If you could answer all of the following, we'll try our best to replicate asap.

  1. What MacOS and version are you on?
  2. What version of MIXO and Traktor are you using
  3. How many tracks and playlists are in your NML/Traktor collection
  4. Have you tried both importing the NML file in Native Instruments folder and exporting the collection via right-click in Traktor and trying to import that instead?

I think this will be a good start and let's go from there, if you could also send me your NML file that you've been trying to import that would be useful too.




Thanks, Jon...

1.) I'm on Big Sur, 11.6.8

2.) MIXO Version 0.52.0 - Traktor Pro

3.) It looks like there are 1576 tracks in the collection.

4.) if I understand the question correctly yes, I have tried importing the NML from the Traktor folder and also exported from Traktor to my desktop and tried to import from there too.




Oh yeah. Here is the NML (I just updated traktor to 3.5.3 and tried everything again. Same result).


Not sure if this matters but there are a bunch of tracks in my MIXO. No playlists, but when I open it there's tracks I can click on and they play (without the playlists and other information the whole process is useless, though).


Hey Gavin,

We've just updated to v0.54 could you give it a try on this version, I was able to import all of the playlists and if your getting the tracks then it should work. You don't need to do anything other than import the collection again, it will just try to import the playlist data as the tracks are there already.



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