Not sure app is working right...

3lemental shared this question 16 months ago

So Ive got gold membership, Ive synced and uploaded my library twice now. I am using an empty GoogleDrive account. I says everything is uploaded and synced but I cannot view files through app on other laptop/pc/Mac. I tried to convert my Serato to rekordbox6 and nothing, and nothing in my google drive but some empty mixo folders and some waveform files in that folder.

Am I confused on what this app is for or am I doing something wrong? I was hoping to use like 'Lexicon' where I can get same library in my different dj apps and to be able to edit tracks and have them update and other library management things.

My phone app and Laptop do not show same info either and cannot stream any tracks when the do show up.

*** Also went to my logs folder and the newest one says it's a Traktor import????????

Replies (4)


Hi there,

I checked your account and can see you have 0 tracks synced, which probably means you have Reset MIXO?

Reset MIXO will delete all your local and cloud data. To fix sync related problems on other devices, you should only ever use Reset Local, which wipes the local database. After login it then syncs and displays all your data.

As for the missing tracks in Google Drive - well, I'm a little confused as to how you have no tracks?

Here's the flow:

- You import some new tracks from Serato.
- MIXO analyses the tracks and saves all the metadata and cues.
- The artwork is then zipped up (of more than 10 tracks) and uploaded.
- Next, all the necessary folders are created in your cloud storage.
- Then each track is uploaded one by one.
- Once upload is complete, MIXO synced your local database to the MIXO cloud database, which includes all the cloud paths/IDs for your tracks.

After this is complete, you can login on any device and everything syncs. Initially you can stream your tracks straight from cloud storage, but it's recommended to download playlists for faster and more stable listening. You also need to download your music before you export on other devices, so the tracks are local.

To rule out any issues, I would do this:

Firstly, make sure your devices are on the latest version of MIXO (v1.38).

1. Go to Google Drive, click on the settings gear icon in the top right, click 'Settings', then 'Manage Apps', then find MIXO and disconnect.

2. Presuming the last thing you did was Reset MIXO, log out and login again on all your devices (for safety), then connect Google Drive.

3. Import a single playlist from Serato and wait for all the Progress steps to complete.

4. During Upload Tracks, check your Google Drive to make sure the tracks are actually appearing in the relative folder.

Once everything is complete, login on your device and everything should sync.

Please let me know how it goes!



Thank you, I will work on this today. I will say I looked at my online Google drive, and files are they just do not so up on my local Google drive… in app it shows I have 9686 track uploaded using 3683.17 GB of cloud storage… I typically let it run overnight cause it takes so long, I just did it again lastnight..

Scott VanderLugt

aka DJ 3Lemental

n0 Lo5t Option-5 - Managing Member


and no I have not reset it today. I ran 'Clean import", Mixo was empty no tracks, last night importing from Serato. I did it thing last night and everything was uploaded and synced by app this morning. I did a local reset on my phone once it was done, re-logged in and on my phone still shows only old tracks and <2000 total. I did just notice Mixo on my phone didn't update, it is now current, but only show 364 tracks which I had just grabbed a playlist and manually selected to upload. but still can't stream on my phone


That's strange, perhaps you accidentally tapped Reset MIXO on your phone by mistake. The system shows your account was reset on an iPhone around 3 hours ago.

Never mind, it's now showing 364 tracks.

FYI - if the track was successfully uploaded, it will show a green dot on desktop.

If the track was not uploaded, there will be no green dot and on your mobile it will have a black dot.

If the tracks did not upload, you should have logs in ~/Music/MIXO/Logs - failed.txt.

If everything is fine, but the tracks still won't stream, is it trying to load with a spinner or does it show a message like "Unable to stream this track"?


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