Clarification On Cloud Storage and lack of stream ability

JRiNVENTOR shared this question 3 years ago


I've been subscribed to MiXO for 36 days, I don't feel like I've gotten to the real bread and butter of it yet, I am hoping to have my whole library uploaded by tomorrow.

I would like to know about this:

I used this method in order to make my entire "Music" root folder from my Macbook Pro sync to Dropbox. That includes DAW sessions, Serato root folder, itunes media, all of it syncs back and forth.

When I use MiXO, is it uploading all of these music files to a second folder in my Cloud Storage? Is there a redundancy happening at this point? I use the method I described above (symbolic links) because I can effectively have an identical Music Root Folder on two different laptops (as I own two).

I also may be experiencing this Artwork hangup that others have described. Artwork doesn't mean a ton to me, will this affect me in any way?

I also have been unable to stream on my iPhone app, although the songs populate. I have MiXO Gold

Replies (4)



Thanks so much for getting in touch.

So we have just released v0.42 on all platforms which has the fix for the issue around import hanging on the Upload Artwork process. It's also way faster so this should help with that.

For the iPhone streaming issue, could you answer the following just so I have more info on what could be going wrong:

  • What iOS version and iPhone device type do you have?
  • If you install MIXO on your second Mac, are you able to stream the tracks there?
  • When you imported your tracks, did it successfully go through all of the steps in SETTINGS > IMPORT > OVERVIEW?

In regards to your main question, MIXO will upload to a main folder, which it creates in your Dropbox account, that includes all of the music you imported and only this music. To upload more music you would need to import more.

Here is some more info on what MIXO does and how this could help your workflow:

Is there anything you were expecting MIXO to do that it currently doesn't or anything you feel we need to add? We'd love to know as we're always looking for feedback like this.

I hope this helps, but please let me know.




Thanks for getting back,

I've downloaded the update and allowing the library to continue analyzing.

  • I have an iPhone13 with software v.15.0.2
  • I cannot install MIXO on the second mac because the software is not up to date to run MIXO, unfortunately
  • Do you mean PROGRESS > OVERVIEW ? It is analyzing tracks somewhere between 93-132 tracks a minute at about 55%-68% CPU Usage

So if I'm to understand correctly, any music I import to MIXO will then be taking up extra space in my Dropbox in order to be shared to other devices (ie: my iPhone MIXO app) via the MIXO protocol. I call the space "extra" because it already exists in my Dropbox. This is correct?

I suppose as I started using MIXO, I also started diving in on Rekordcloud/Lexicon in order to find what best suits me. Of course in theory I'd love to have a stick or SD or what have you to that mirrors what I have in Serato so that I am fully prepared at any moment, but I am starting to think now that perhaps a more focussed execution would be better ie: build crates/playlists that are very focussed genre-wise, as well as a few crates of what would reflect what has been in my rotation recently...This would cut down on having so much imported into MIXO/in my cloud storage and sort of focus my use of MIXO...I suppose I wouldn't have all the access on my iPhone app at this point to make Crates on the go, which I think is a very cool feature.

I will get to the bottom of this!

I really enjoy some of the features in Rekordcloud/Lexicon like the ability to batch clean up tags/titles/artists. It does that pretty well - sometimes soundcloud/internet downloads are messy looking and this helps with organization.

I'll keep you posted.


Can confirm that it has hung up on artwork, i restarted the program and it's the same...uploading some Serato crates right now to see how they populate


The serato crates aren't loading with the full list of songs, can confirm there is one root directory for all the tunes

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