Mixo made new Hot Cues (Serato to Rekordbox)

DJ Drop-K.O. shared this question 3 years ago

Hey I just want to have the option to transfer all my track data from Serato to Rekordbox. Unfortunately, Mixo didn't import all the Serato Hot Cues, but kept some and made some new ones.

Is there an easy solution for this problem?

Replies (1)


Hey DJ Drop-K.O.

It looks like there may be extra information on the track itself - or MIXO has misinterpreted what is there. Could you please send us the track so we can have a look at the metadata in question? I assume this is more or less the same for most other tracks you have? It would also be worth checking to see if it is only a particular filetype affected e.g. aiff, wav, mp3 etc.




Hey Jon,

I attached the file from the example pic.

But after I looked through the library I don't believe the problem is the filetype.

I use mp3, flac and wav. All of them show one of these 3 things:

No hot Cues

Wrong Hot Cues I didn't set (mostly there are 2 hot cues really close together in the intro)

and some Files got the Hot Cues right (But I don't know if Mixo made these like I do or actually converted it from the serato crate files)

Thanks, Jonas


Thanks DJ Drop-K.O.

That info helps a lot.

I will take a look at this and get back to you when I have more information.



I am having the same issue where I have imported from Serato to MIXO, Exported the from MIXO to Rekordbox, and dropped the xml into Rekordbox. There are new cue points I've never seen before, some of mine are there but not all, and the colors have changed on some but not all of my cue points.

In addition some tracks which include saved loops, delete one of my cue points (usually the first but not always) and replace one of my cue points with a new cue point (always in sky blue) at the beginning of the saved loop.

I have edition 1.31.0 Gold. Please advise, and thanks for your help!


Hi there,

It looks to me like your track also has additional cue points saved from another software, such as Mixed In key.

MIXO will import everything and order them by time.

However, to investigate this properly it would be useful if you could send me this track and also your exported XML.

You can send this to me privately via team@mixo.dj.




will do! Thanks a bunch!


Hi, what was the resolution of this? Having the same issue where Serato cues aren't importing into MIXO and it seems MIXO is reading from MixedInKey cue points (ID3 tags?). I believe Serato cues are stored within the database within the __Serato__ folder?


Serato cues are saved to the track itself in a different section of the ID3 tags. MIXO imports these during the analysis step.

Cues can be seen in Track Info where you might find duplicates.

There is a Tool -> Cue Converter -> 'Delete Duplicate Cues" that might be useful!

MIXO team


Ooh thanks for the prompt reply, I will check this out and get back to you!



Is this what you mean by Track Info? It looks like the cues are all from MIK and I don't see any of my own cues which would have been duplicated.

This is what my cues look like in Serato:


I'll attach the file itself as well so you can take a look if that's helpful.

Also regarding the `Delete Duplicate Cues` tool, which duplicate cue would it pick? Would it pick the latest cue?


Ok thanks for sending that over. Let me take a look and see what can be done. I'll also check the logic for the duplicate cue remover and let you know, so hold fire on that for now.

MIXO team


If you click the Info Icon in the player, or right-click the track in the list and open Track Info, you'll see all your cues.

You can manually delete the ones you don't want.I don't think the duplicate due remover is necessary in this instance.

I've just added some new toggles to Settings/Advanced where you can exclude MIK or Serato cues during analysis. These will be in the next release.

However, your track contains a lot of cues from both types! I think you should manually remove some of them.


MIXO team


Amazing, looking at your screenshot for "MIK Cues Only", it seems to have accurately identified the MIK cues, so it would be great if your next release could delete those cues.

However I'm a bit confused by your "Serato Cues Only" screenshot, it contains both Serato cues and MIK cues from your "MIK Cues Only" screenshot. To illustrate this, I've highlighted the cues that should be MIK cues. You can see that these map to the MIK cues you identified in your "MIK Cues Only"

In the next release, would these MIK cues contained in your "Serato Cues Only" screenshot be deleted? Serato cues I'd want to keep are unhighlighted in the screenshot I just shared.


Just to clarify, it's only possible to identify them during analysis, because they are stored in different containers.

The screenshot with the serato cues points comes from the serato GEOB container and the MIK cues come from the other non-serato container.

Serato will only show one cue in each pad position but they are probably still there, just hidden.

I suspect Serato imported the MIK cues and then saved them to the Serato container, which would also explain why they have the default Serato colours:


MIXO team


Ahh I see, is there a way then as part of the "Delete MIK Cues" feature to also delete the Serato cues that map to the MIK cues? e.g. If there's a MIK cue at 0:26 mark, then we would also delete the Serato Cue at 0:26 mark if it exists (since that was originally a MIK cue that Serato stores as a Serato Cue). That would be super helpful! I imagine others have this issue as well and as far as I know no other software has this feature (I tried asking Lexicon support before re-opening this thread, but I didn't get the sense they understand the issue).


I should probably let you know that there is no "Delete MIK Cues" feature, but there is a new feature called "Exclude MIK Cues in Analysis", which is when it's possible to identify the source.

However, I've discovered the true cause of the issue. Somehow this track has duplicate container, where the first contains the cues you see in Serato (probably because Serato parses the first one it finds) and the second one contains the additional cues!



Do all of your tracks have this??

MIXO team


ooh great find, yes it looks like all my tracks have this Serato Markers_ and Serato Markers2. Is there an easy way to delete the Serato Markers2 object?


Hmm I'm seeing the python package Mutagen being recommended, I can try that if you think that's a good approach. Or if there's something better lmk!


It's actually "Serato Markers2" that's duplicated. These are the ones containing the cues. The black screenshot shows my logs when reading them.

We could add a setting to only save cues from the first one if there are multiple, but that relies on all your tracks having the correct cues in the first one!

How many tracks do you have?

Presumably Serato automatically added the duplicate containers after reading the MIK cues or something? Any idea?

MIXO team


Ah I see now from your logging screenshot that "Serato Markers2" is the one that's duplicated. In that case I know you were saying this wouldn't contain cues, but would "Serato Markers_" also be duplicated? I see one General Object that's white and one General Object that's highlighted red in your kid3 (i'm assuming) screenshot just like it is for "Serato Markers2". If it is duplicated, is this a problem?

>We could add a setting to only save cues from the first one if there are multiple, but that relies on all your tracks having the correct cues in the first one!

Hmm I'm not sure how I'd be able to check this and look into the General Objects to see their contents. But my hunch is that this would be the same for all my files since I used the same procedure to generate cues for them:

1. Drag files into MIK to analyze them (will write cues and key info)

2. Drag files into Serato playlist. I don't rescan id3 tags or anything, but rather just drag the file into the player which triggers Serato to analyze the file. Serato sees the cues MIK wrote and I believe either writes its own key (if MIK doesn't write the key directly) or overwrites the MIK key (if MIK does write the key directly, I'm not sure). I know for sure that MIK writes key info in the "Comment" section of the track's tags, so I go back and manually edit the key info of the track using this comment if the key Serato reads is different from the MIK key. At this point I usually just delete all MIK cues and overwrite with my own custom ones. It's very rare that MIK will write cues that I'm satisfied with and will use directly.


I have about 600+ tracks so prob won't be feasible to manually adjust cues for all of them 😅.

>We could add a setting to only save cues from the first one if there are multiple, but that relies on all your tracks having the correct cues in the first one!

I just thought of something, since I'm assuming it will be hard for most people to determine if they want to keep the first duplicate or the second, what about loading one set into Hot Cues and the other set into Memory Cues? That way people would be able to inspect the contents and then clear away the Hot Cues or Memory Cues depending on which contains the unwanted MIK cues. Then shift over Hot Cues-->Memory Cues or Memory Cues-->Hot Cues if desired.


Loving your enthusiasm and it's a great idea but not sure it's the right solution to add them as memory, since memory cues are not familiar to many users.

For now, I've added a new Advanced setting to exclude duplicate Serato Markers2 tags if found. You'll need to turn this on in the next release and re-analyse your tracks selecting "Replace Cues", then let me know if they all look ok!

I'll let you know when it's live so you can give it a whirl :)

MIXO team


Awesome, thanks for taking all this feedback and adding the feature! Looking forward to trying it out!


MIXO v1.70 is now live with a heap of improvements!


To test out the new tool to overcome the issue we discovered, please go to Settings/Advanced and turn on 'Exclude Duplicate 'Serato Markers2' In Analysis', then re-analyse your tracks, selecting "Replace Cues".

Good luck and thanks for the feedback :)

MIXO team


Ooooh, just tried it out and preliminarily it looks like it's behaving exactly the way I'd expect / want! Thank you so much for listening to the feedback and getting this feature out so quickly! Really appreciate it :)


Wahoo! Success.

MIXO team

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